Our Clients

Columbia TriStar
Our Super 35mm camera package and feature film experience make us an ideal choice for special effects photography. For example we shot the New York City special effects shots for Anacondas.

Image_75x75 New York Life
We've written and produced a wide range of programming for their diverse financial offerings.

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We worked with Pfizer for a number of years on many global webcasts and on marketing videos.

Image_75x75 ACE Insurance
When ACE Insurance wanted experienced documentarians to interview their clients on camera, they called on our award-winning production team. Over the years, we've produced many videos to support new market initiatives.

Early Advantage
We produce their home-based product, do commercial photography and create on-line movies to increase their reach and appeal to the youth market.

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We have produced many movies for GE that explain and amplify their on-line offerings.

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We shoot Super 35mm movie footage for their feature projects including special effect matte shots.

ABC Sports called on us to shoot their commercial when they wanted to extend their brand to a line of clothing and other merchandise.

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USA Network calls on us then they need motion picture photography on projects such as Murder in Greenwich.

We produce programming for PBS including the award-winning film Wisdom for Life, which expains the West's tradition of reason and how this contrasts with fundamentalism.

QVC Network
When QVC needed a commercial campaign to drive sales with their top jewelry pitcher, with called on us to film their campaign in Bevery Hills.
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